Saturday, May 3, 2008

ეს არის, თუ არის...

მიყვარს ლამაზად გამოხატურლი ”პროტესტანტული” (© ნესტანი ) სიმღერები. სამწუხაროდ, აქამდე მოსმენილი არ მქონდა და მხოლოდ დღეს აღმოვაჩინე. თუმცა, მიუხედავად ამისა, გული მიგრძნობს, რომ უახლოეს მომავალში ამის გარდა აღარაფერს მოვუსმენ. საოცარი გრძნობა მეუფლება თითოეული სტროფის შემდეგ! You're Just People! რომ ვამბობ, გენიოსები არიან-მეთქი, ბევრი არ მიჯერებს, არადა ცვეტში ასეა.
ემოციები, ემოციები... მოაქვს და მოაქვს, ნამდვილი ტალღა წამოიღო. თან ბავშვის ხმა - გულის წასვლამდე ლამაზია! მოკლედ რა...

The only cribs that we should care for
Are the ones that we are here for
Ones belonging to my children
That do what we do, scar from our wounds

The only cribs that make a difference
Where the magic really happens
Don't come with a mercy dispense
Holy white screen
Showing nothing
Showing nothing

I'm sick of home control devices
Sick of sickening home designers
Sick the drugs that goes to street poles
Sick of homies, sick of posters

Despite the nodding staff that serves you
Despite the name on the clothes and perfume
Despite the way that press observes you

You're just people
You're just people
You're just people
You're just people
Successful people
Dressed-up people
Smiling people
Fameless people
Velvet people
Wealthy people
Important people
But still just people

So fuck the million dollar kitchen
Fuck the Al-Pacino posters
Fuck the drugs that goes to street pole
Fuck the homies, fuck the posters
Fuck the walls they build around them
Fuck the bedroom magic nonsense
I don't want to hear their voices
As long as they've fought with their wallets

Fuck the silly "throw you out" joke
Fuck the framed cigar DeNiro smoked
Fuck their lack of originality and personality
Fuck this travesty
Fuck this new norm
Fuck conformity
Fuck their Kristal
Fuck their sordity
Fuck the way they fuck equality
Fuck their freebie gear
Fuck the ones they wear
You're just people...

You're just people
Successful people
Dressed-up people
Smiling people
Fameless people
Recorded people
Wealthy people
Important people
But still just people
Messed up people
Shallow people
Stupid people
Plastic people
Maniac people
Federal people
Failed people
Natural people

Fuck the once repaired
I'm cribcaged, cribcaged

The only cribs that should care for
Are the ones that we are here for
Ones belonging to my children
That do what we do, scar from our wounds...

აი, ამან უნდა თქვას ნახევარი გალაქტიკა გადავიმასვქენიო


Jenny said...

mec movusmine :tan:

deka136 said...

mere? :user:

Jenny said...

kruta!!!! :jump:

( axla kidev erTxel movusmine am kiTxvisTvis rom mepasuxa :gigi: )